
Escombreiras: Soil, Health and Surrounding

This publication documents the work process and the results of the five artistic residencies made within the Project SHS – Soil health surrounding former mining areas: Characterization, risk analysis, and intervention.


The Project SHS – Soil health surrounding former mining areas: Characterization, risk analysis, and intervention, involved the Instituto de Ciências da Terra (ICT), FCUP; the Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (CERENA), FEUP; the Centro de Investigação em Química da Universidade do Porto (CIQUP), FCUP; o Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (IS-UP), FLUP; and the Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade (i2ADS), FBAUP. It was up to i2ADS to frame and promote these residencies, which happened in territories amidst Valongo, Pejão and Regoufe, chosen as SHS’s object. Such activity emerged from the understanding that artistic practise should be capable of producing other epistemologies, sometimes visionary and surely alternative, capable of complementing and confronting more scientific approaches, as were those of the project’s other intervenients.

The artists in residence were: Graciela Machado, Susana Soares Pinto, Miguel Leal, Carla Cruz/Claudia Lopes and Domingos Loureiro. The work methodologies and the chosen territories were distinct, with the residency periods being divided throughout the SHS project’s more than two-year span. Such residencies spawned 5 publications, several interventions and exhibits in Valongo, Castelo de Paiva and Arouca, and, lastly, an exhibition, “Escombreiras”, which occurred between May and June, 2023, at the Laboratório Ferreira da Silva, in the Pólo Central do Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto.