
Production of image and its capture devices through ecological processes

Seed project | i2ADS

Arts Education, Critique and Society

The Bioimages project intends to problematize and promote, within the epistemological field of Art Education, new pedagogical practices based on sustainable and ecological principles. In the virtualization that the digital media behaves, it is often hidden the unsustainable infrastructure that supports them, with components harmful to the environment. The production of images in this virtuality also does not promote the awareness of the problem. In artistic education is recognized the need for the analog production of images as essential learning in this area. This project is based on a technology axis that focuses on innovative processes and technologies, drastically reducing the use of toxic chemicals present in the methods commonly used in conventional photo labs. The design and construction of these innovative and affordable technologies, from plastic recycling and 3D printing, will serve to assist the biodegradable processes of photosensitive film development and their applications may be multiple. On another axis, this project presents itself as a potentiating territory of sustainability issues, promoting and problematizing, at the same time, new pedagogical practices in Artistic Education.

The Bioimages project aims, through the crossing of technology and artistic education, to present a political link with issues of ecological order and environmental sustainability. What pedagogical practices for a more sustainable world can we find in the investigation of the production of images and their devices through ecological processes?

  • Institutions
    Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade (i2ADS), FBAUP
    Porto Media Innovation Labs (MIL)
    Coding for Social Impact (CSI)
    Escola Artística Soares dos Reis (EASR)
    Serviço Intermunicipalizado de Gestão de Resíduos do Grande Porto (LIPOR)
  • Principal Investigator
    Tiago Assis

  • Team
    Catarina Almeida, Catarina Martins, João Lima, João Sousa, Ricardo Leite, Sofia Gouveia, Susana Lourenço Marques, Tiago Pinho