Sabina Couto

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto

phd student // FCT studentship

Nasceu em 1993. Vive em Marco de Canaveses e trabalha no Porto. Licenciada em Pintura pela Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto em 2015. Mestre em Pintura na FBAUP, 2017. Atualmente a frequentar o Doutoramento em Educação Artística na FBAUP. Frequentou os workshops em sandcasting na VICARTE, FCT/UNL, 2015 e de maçarico no Cencal da Marinha Grande, 2018. Participou na Universidade Júnior com o curso “Pintura sobre superfícies alternativas”, 2018. Membro dos projetos “Aplicação de esmaltes vítreos luminescentes em vidro artístico” (2018 a 2022) e “Vidro e Impressão: Monocozeduras Sobre Superfícies Vítreas” realizado entre 2015 e 2018. Recebeu Menção honrosa no Prémio Cármen Miranda, em Marco de Canaveses, 2016. Prémio de Mérito Alexandre Viana de Lima de melhor estudante de Mestrado em Pintura, atribuído pela Câmara Municipal de Esposende, 2018 e Menção honrosa no Concurso de objeto público, Hospital da Prelada, 2018.


Thesis title
The walk through the forest: the artists’ practice to stimulate a greater proximity to nature as a creative source

FCT reference

The research project emerges from the awareness of a successive loss of contact with the outdoor space and nature, in particular the following cases: the decrease of time and space for children’s play both in family and school contexts and especially in outdoor spaces; the devaluation of the contribution of experiences in outdoor spaces that grows proportionate to the increase of the population convergence in urban environments; the almost non-existence of contact with natural outdoor spaces, which is reflected in its little exploration, as well as the lack of connection between indoor and outdoor spaces in a school envirorment. In this sense, this work intends to promote research in Art Education that encourages the relationship with the territory as power and creative stimulus, especially in elementary school children. It focuses on the pedagogical potential and psychomotor development of children in elementory school, particularly 1st and 2nd grade students, through direct contact with Nature. In general, it is organized by the following objectives: 1) Recognize/perceive the experience and contact with Nature from a pedagogical point of view; 2) Reflect on artistic practices developed in direct contact with the elements/outdoor space; 3) Understand how the contact with the outdoor space and natural materials can enhance inventiveness; 4) Encourage children in elementory school to use the outdoor space and increase their proximity with Nature’s primary elements. Therefore, the project consists in the elaboration of a pedagogical plan for Art Education and education through art, based on the artistic practice developed by artists who have created projects of direct contact with the elements and with the outdoor space.

Domingos Loureiro


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