Ilda de Sousa
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
collaborative researcher

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
collaborative researcher
Ilda Lima de Sousa (1992) is a student of the Doctoral Program in Art Education at the University of Porto / University of Lisbon; integrated non-doctoral researcher at i2ADS – Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto; PhD scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology. Graduated in Visual Arts and Artistic Technologies (2014), by the Escola Superior de Educação, Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ESE / IPP), with the report “Relatório de Iniciação à prática profissional no Serviço Educativo da Fundação de Serralves”, and master in Teaching of Visual Arts in the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education (2016) by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPCEUP) and the Faculty of Fine Arts (FBAUP) of the University of Porto, with the report “Escrita Habitada: Contemplar através da deambulação entre a escola e o museu”.
Thesis title
Contemporary arts education, in a educational relationship between FBAUP and the neighboring community of the 1st Cycle of basic education
FCT reference
The research axis that is assumed here is part of an ongoing process of building a relational practice, established in the experimental exercise carried out by the FBAUP Education Office, and part of a concern that arose from my participation, as a young researcher, in the project European CREART. From the diagnosis carried out there, it is clear the need to find regular educational approaches that provide the contact of teachers and students with the contemporary artistic context, currently far from the curricular area of Artistic and Physical-Motor Expressions, which occupies a secondary space and shows difficulties in its operationalization. Questioning this diagnosis, the project seeks to design, implement and analyze a regular relational practice, translated into an annual educational program, which provides 1st cycle students in schools in the vicinity of FBAUP with contact with the contemporary artistic context, not as an absolute entity, but in the that this allows triggering the construction of the self and a critical view of the world.
Catarina Almeida
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