Renata Gaspar
Research Institute in Art, Design and Society

Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
Renata Gaspar is an artist and performance studies researcher. Her work focuses on the socio-political construction of place in/through art-making, particularly on mobility in relation to language and belonging. Both her artistic practice and writings are concerned with the advancement of socio-spatial justice through collaborative and pluralistic approaches to knowledge making. Initially trained as dancer in Lisbon and London, she holds a Master of Arts in Performance from Goldsmiths, University of London (studentship Gulbenkian Foundation/PT) and a PhD in Performance Studies from University of Roehampton, London (studentship FCT/PT) with the thesis ‘Spatial practices: a politics of place-making for performance studies’. She recently concluded a postgraduate specialisation in Epistemologies of the South coordinated by CES (Centro de Estudos Sociais, PT) and CLACSO (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales, Argentina). Renata is a researcher at i2ADS (Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade, Universidade do Porto) and collaborates with the Artistic Creation, Cultural Practices and Policies group at IS-UP (Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto). Renata is invited adjunct professor at the Theatre Department at ESMAE (Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo, Porto).
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