Pedro Vilela
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT/i2ADS studentship
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT/i2ADS studentship
Pedro Henrique Lira Vilela. Concluiu o Mestrado em Artes Cênicas em 2018 pela Universidade Federal da Bahia e a Licenciatura em Educação Artística com habilitação em Artes Cênicas em 2005 pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Frequenta o Doutoramento em Educação Artística pela Universidade do Porto desde 2019. É curador, gestor e diretor no campo das artes cênicas.
Thesis title
How long have we not been here? a writing about black theatrical practices
FCT reference
This project aims to investigate the practice of contemporary black artists, understanding theater as a cultural factor corresponding to the historical and social context in which it manifests itself. Artistic practices necessary at this time of political anachronisms that effect the exclusion of citizenship and encourage the precariousness of life. Scenes performed in the articulations of decolonial thought, from the politics of the body and the arts as fields of identity experimentation.
Catarina Martins
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