Najla Leroy
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT studentship

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT studentship
Najla Carolina Storck Leroy, nascida em 01 de junho de 1985, brasileira, casada. Residente em Portugal, desde 2015. No Brasil, concluiu o Bacharelado em Design Gráfico em 2007, pela Escola de Design da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, e o Bacharelado em Artes Plásticas em 2012, pela Escola Guignard da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Concluiu o Mestrado em Design Gráfico e Projetos Editoriais em 2017/12/07 pela Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes. Frequenta o Doutoramento em Artes Plásticas pela Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes desde 2018/09/01. Atua nas áreas de Humanidades com ênfase em Artes e Design. Atua como Assistente Convidado (Docente Universitário) da Unidade Curricular de Tecnologia I e III, na Licenciatura em Artes Visuais, na Universidade do Minho, Escola de Arquitetura. Investiga a Importância do Fazer Artístico, tendo como foco a concepção e a produção do Livro de Artista.
Thesis title
The creative process of the Artist’s Book in the artistic making of the expanded field of printmake
FCT reference
Assuming that the Artist’s Book is a powerful mechanism for creativity and investigation, where processes and results merge, it is intended to investigate the hybrid territory between its creative potential and the language of artistic engraving, in which printing acts as a medium. to transport ideas and knowledge, and which allows exploring multiple practices of Contemporary Art. Based on the method of Sandra Rey (1996), it is intended to identify the Artist’s Book as a work of art from three dimensions: Abstract, Cultural and Practical. This investigation also has the objective of elaborating a model for the analysis of Artists’ Books. We will resort to the historical studies of Paulo Silveira (2001) and the Genetic Criticism of Cecília Salles (2004), to investigate the singularities of the creative processes of the interviewed artists and the authors, when developing the artistic production in the studio that will contribute to the analysis and understanding of the impact of this research in Art.
Joana Paradinha
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