Melina Scheuermann

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto

phd student // FCT studentship

Melina Scheuermann (she/her) is a PhD candidate in Arts Education at the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Porto. She holds a Master’s degree in Cinema Studies from Stockholm University, Sweden, and a Bachelor degree in Cultural Studies (Major) and Arts-Media-Aesthetic Education (Minor) from the University of Bremen, Germany. From April until December 2022, Melina Scheuermann is a PhD student fellow in the research project CREAT_ED The Historicization of the Creative Child in Education at i2ADS – Research Institute of Art, Design and Society at the University of Porto. Her profile is rounded off by diverse professional experiences in arts education, political education, social work and documentary film production. Melina Scheuermann’s artistic as well as research interests evolve around arts education, history of education, visual discourses, ecology as well as postcolonial, post-structural and feminist theory.


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