Margarida Dourado Dias
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
integraded researcher

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
integraded researcher
Margarida Dourado Dias – integrated junior researcher of i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society at FBAUP, since 2020, developing activities in Arts Education research, associated with the hub ID_CAI (, and in science and technology management. In 2020 concluded a PhD in Arts Education in the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto (FBAUP), with a doctoral thesis entitled “The [idea of] death in picturebooks published in Portugal in the beginning of the 21st century”. In 2009, she has concluded her Master degree in Child Studies – Specialisation in Visual Communication and Artistic Expression, by the University of Minho with the dissertation entitled “The ritual of the Day of the Dead in the transmontan village of Meixide: the aesthetic expression of remembrance and the search for immortality” and concluded the Degree in Fine Arts – Sculpture, in 1999, at FBAUP. Between 2016 and 2018 she was researcher and artist in the Erasmus+ project ‘CREARTE – Creative school Partnerships with Visual Artists'(2015-1-PT01-KA201-012989), where she had an opportunity to develop workshops related with the research about images of death in picturebooks with children from the 1st until the 4th grade of Conservatory of Music of Porto (Portugal). Since 2021, Margarida participates in the Erasmus+ project ‘YUCUNET – Establishment of a Yucatan-Cuba Network of MA Programmes in Contemporary Art and Cultural Management”(617486-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE). She has been part of several organizing and scientific committees of scientific events. Currently she is Promoter in the Network of CIÊNCIAVitae.
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