Mafalda Carreira

Research Institute in Art, Design and Society


Thesis title
The (Un)predictable in the Teaching of Visual Arts. Combination of Planned and Unplanned Actions

FCT reference

The goal of this research is to test experiences of emancipation in the teaching of visual arts, contributing to the discovery and establishment of new areas of study and pedagogical methods, seeking to establish a closer connection between an individual and art. The teaching of visual arts can be considered fertile ground for experimentation and innovation, where chance and unpredictability can play significant roles. This doctoral project aims to explore these elements, traditionally seen as marginal or disruptive, as central to the artistic educational process. It intends to conduct workshops with teachers and students to test artistic educational practices where the incorporation of the unforeseen enriches the teaching-learning process, encouraging creativity, originality, resilience, and the student’s ability to adapt.

Eliana Penedos Santiago


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