Luana Andrade

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, Research Institute in Art, Design and Society

phd student // FCT studentship

Luana Andrade. Concluiu o(a) Master em Artes Visuais em 2021/03 pelo(a) Universidade Federal da Paraíba e Licence em Artes Visuais em 2018/06/26 pelo(a) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Centro de Artes e Comunicação. Frequenta o(a) Doutoramento em Educação Artística pelo(a) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes desde 2021/10/04. Publicou 3 artigos em revistas especializadas. Possui 1 livro(s).


Theses title
Interioranas, artistic practices from/within: towards an implication of art with territory and the common

FCT reference

The relationship between art and territories is situated in a place of complexity and fragility, between the potential of a becoming of the common and the risk of a colonizing practice. Nowadays, the non-hegemonic inland territories, categorized in opposition to an urban and coastal exterior, are experiencing a growing promotion of artistic projects in a movement of “decentralization” and a shift towards the inland territories of institutional circuits. “Interioranas” aims at the experience of artistic practices embedded in communities and oriented towards the recognition of the symbolic work of a common culture, based on the territories of Belmonte (Portugal) and Surubim (Pernambuco, Brazil). Through cycles of practice/research in these territories, collective engagement is fostered around three thematic axes: interiority, artistic, and common. The resulting public programming will prioritize the educational over the representative, embracing the challenge of moving from the interior to interiority, in order to see from/within its political implications.

Rita Rainho (supervision), Tiago Assis and Luciana Borre (co-supervision)


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