David Lopes
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT studentship
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT studentship
Nelson David Correia Lopes. Concluiu o Mestrado em Desenho e Técnicas de Impressão em 2018 pela Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes. Recebeu 1 prémio e uma distinção. Atua na área das Artes Plásticas com ênfase a Gravura e o Desenho. No seu currículo Ciência Vitae os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: Printmaking; Image reproduction; Technological Research; Fine Art.
Thesis title
The development of printing processes and the dissemination of science: a practical perspective in contemporary art
FCT reference
The dissemination of scientific knowledge is historically related to the technical developments of new printmaking techniques; specifically with the introduction of industrialized photomechanical printing in 19th-century Europe. This research proposal aims to reintroduce early 19th-century techniques, which were introduced by scientists, and are unknown and obsolete today. To narrow our scope, we’ve selected a relevant case study from Portugal, the scientific work of chemist José Júlio Rodrigues (1843-1923), the awarded Director of the Photography Section in Lisbon. The artistic potential of such techniques are to be explored through a specific contemporary art project developed by the author of this proposal. This project takes also as its briefing the creation of art pieces and exhibitions in dialogue with scientific objects and museum institutions. The scientific collection “Aula Náutica” from the University of Porto, exhibited permanently in Reitoria do Porto, is selected for this purpose. With this, we take the opportunity to debate the limits of History, Archive and Fiction within the contemporary arte theory. During this research, estabilished examples are going to be critical analised, exploring mainly for their focus on anachronism as a tool for creative potential.
Graciela Machado
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