Cristina Mendanha
Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
collaborative researcher

Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
collaborative researcher
Cristina Mendanha, 1966. Degree in Fine Arts – Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto (1989). Master in Art, Craft and Design Education from the University of Surrey Roehampton, with the thesis, ‘Fine arts as art education’ (2001). PhD in Art Education, from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto (2017). From 1981 to 1983 she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture in Professional Training School of Companhia Nacional de Bailado. In 1995, she received a Teaching Certificate from the Royal Academy of Dance, London. In 1992 she founded Arte Total, and holds the position of Art Director and Teacher. Since 1999 she has produced the program Salvo Conduto and the program Guelra with choreographers Romulus Neagu, Maria Ines Villasmil, Vicente Trindade, Paulo Henrique, Joana Providência, Aldara Bizarro, Peter Michael Dietz, Teresa Prima, Gabriela Barros, David Ramalho, Carlota Lagido, Armando Pinho, Madalena Victorino, Maria Reis Lima, Valentina Parravicini and Sílvia Real. Tutor in Dance and Theatre, Culture Programme / Institute of Employment and Vocational Training – Ministry of Culture / Portuguese Institute of Performing Arts in 2000. From 2009-2012 was a Invited Assistant at Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo-ESE. Advisory Board Member of Theatro Circo de Braga, since 2006 to 2014. Team Member of the Artistic Capital of Culture Guimarães – Community Area, 2010-2012. Advisory Board Member of UNESCO Braga Media Art City . She participated, as researcher, in the study on Public Policies in Arts Education in Portugal, which consisted of a study on the state of the curricular implementation of arts education at the primary school. She is currently coordinator of the Braga InternationalVideo Dance Festival. Her writings include articles and presentations in Diálogos com Arte – Revista de arte, cultura e educação, Arts Agön: Arts Research Forum -UW-Madison Division of the Arts, Encounter of Practices of Research in Arts Education- Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto and European Conference on Educational Research – ECER . She is research member of Research Laboratory in Arts Education (LabEA) and Artistic Practices: Subsidies for the recognition of their rhizomatic mechanisms in the transmission of knowledge.
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