Constança Araújo Amador
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT studentship

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT studentship
Constança Araújo Amador / aConstança (Porto, Portugal), PhD student in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP), Master in Illustration and Animation, Postgraduate in Cultural Management and Degree in Fine Arts – Painting, from FBAUP . She attended the Akademie Výtvarných Umení v Praze (AVU) in Prague, Czech Republic. She develops her artistic practice, between drawing and painting, in the illustration of Portuguese poetry from the 20th and 21st centuries and its relationship with Nature, having her work published in books, newspapers and magazines and regularly participating in individual and collective exhibitions. She teaches in polytechnic higher education and is a trainer in illustration at FBAUP. She coordinated educational projects such as: Porto / Post / Doc; Short Films Vila do Conde; Solar – Cinematic Art Gallery and ANIMAR. She has collaborated for over 10 years in the field of educational services, as an art educator, in museums and institutions such as: the Serralves Foundation’s Museum of Contemporary Art, in Porto, the Centro de Arte da Oliva, in São João da Madeira and the Cupertino de Miranda Foundation, in Vila Nova de Famalicão. She occasionally collaborates with Cão Danado and talkie-walkie. She was illustration director of Jornal Universitário do Porto (JUP) and has curated cycles of illustration exhibitions in various organizations and institutions, such as: the Bienal da Maia, the Porto Cruz Space and the Auditorium of the Academia de Música de Espinho. She is currently a PhD student at FCT.
Thesis title
Translatability and imagistic transcreation, in the illustration of poetry by portuguese women poets
FCT reference
Translatability and imagistic transcreation, in the illustration of poetry by portuguese women poets, gives the title to an investigation with exploratory work. It places the illustration in the hiatus of a relationship, which is intended to be established between the mechanisms and processes of creation, in the translation and visual interpretation of poetry. It is intended to investigate the poetic work of: Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, Ana Luísa Amaral and Adília Lopes, not through the paradigm of comparative literature, but as a driving force for artistic creation, in the illustration of poetry. This approach intends to explore the relationships and the contemporary questioning of the selected artistic proposals, where the production of the illustration and the reading of the poem are close in what they have in common and they are far away in their specificities – poetry as an impulse, and practice and theory of illustration as a hypothesis in the translatability and imagetic alterity of the meanings of the poetic text.
Rui Vitorino Santos (supervisor) e Joana Matos Frias (co-supervisor)
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