Beatriz Duarte
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT studentship

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
phd student // FCT studentship
BEATRIZ GUIMARÃES DUARTE (Brasil, 1993) ¿¿Researcher developing her PhD investigation in Art Education at the Faculty of Fine Arts (University of Porto) entitled “Resignified Contemporary Heritages: curatorial and art mediation strategies for the fragments of the recent past” with the support from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Master’s in art studies | Curating and Museology (Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Porto) and graduated in Architecture and Urbanism (Faculty of Architecture at the Federal University of Minas Gerais). She was part of the research cluster “Curating the Contemporary: on Architectures, Territories and Networks” between 2019-21 and is interested in new spatial practices’ methodologies and languages for mediating and curating the relationship between contemporary heritages, human settlements, and local communities.
Thesis title
Resignified Contemporary Heritages: curatorial and art mediation strategies for the fragments of the recent past
FCT reference
The investigation to be carried out in this PhD research in Arts Education aims to understand how artistic-spatial practices can offer new methodologies and languages to expand the possibilities of mediation between contemporary heritages, human settlements and local communities. Resulting from recent processes of de-industrialization and natural or human catastrophes, some heritages shape places and landscapes in ruins with underlying tensions and occlusions. Through the thinking and confrontation with and upon the fragments of the recent past, artistic-spatial practices can expand concepts and methods, usually associated with heritage, such as notions of value, monument, archive, preservation and memory. The research investigates two complementary dimensions of this resignification: in theory, it articulates the contributions of artistic-spatial approaches in the critical/political redirection of the reading and interpretation of contemporary heritages; as a laboratory, it seeks to understand situated-curating as a way of experimenting with the production of knowledge and as relational platforms for sharing and mediating between these practices, contemporary heritages, new concepts and local communities.
Inês Moreira
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