Catarina Almeida
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
integraded researcher

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
integraded researcher
Catarina Almeida, 1985. Degree in Fine Arts – Painting, 2008 (University of Porto). Master in Teaching of Visual Arts, 2011 (University of Porto). Doctoral Fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology (2012-2015), visiting researcher at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts (KuvA, Helsinki), 01/2015, and at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague (KABK), 02 -06/2015, having concluded in 2015 the PhD in Arts Education (University of Porto) with the thesis ‘After Artistic Research – What follows the establishment and the realization of the establishment of the phenomenon’. She was a Invited Assistant at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto in the academic year 2015/2016, and has been Invited Assistant Professor since 2016. Editor of the publications Artistic Research Does (i2ADS), and Associate Editor of the magazine Derivas (i2ADS). Integrated researcher and member of the Scientific Council of i2ADS – Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society since 2016. Her current research interests are divided between the study of pedagogical materials in artistic education and video as a performative record and means of research in art.
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