exhibition, seminar, workshop

Unfolding Technical Objects

The project responds to the accumulation and dispersal of technical objects throughout technological transformations (especially post-digital) and policies in institutional spaces.

  • 5 September 2024 —
  • 13 September 2024
  • oMuseu + Aula Magna, FBAUP

Unfolding Technical Objects | Desvelar Objetos Técnicos is an exhibition dedicated to the dialogue between a set of technical objects and historical media collected in the Faculty of Fine Arts spaces and artworks by contemporary artists who explore the media’s material, situated, and experimental nature.

In addition to the exhibition at the Faculty of Fine Arts Museum, there will be talks, round tables, and workshops with artists, designers, and educators who are part of the exhibition.

All events in the program are free.



05.09 QUI

17:30 Event oppening, oMuseu FBAUP
Artists: Guilherme Maranhão, Laetitia Morais, Limamil, Marcelo Reis, Pedro Augusto e Rosemary Lee.


06.09 SEX

Workshop I: Filmes sem câmara (08 vagas)

Laetitia Morais
10h às 16h, Pavilhão Sul, FBAUP

Esta breve formação propõe um espaço de experimentação em torno de técnicas e tecnologias cinematográficas analógicas (luz, som e imagem em movimento). A partir de arquivo de filmes em 16mm iremos desenvolver breves exercícios de edição e de manipulação de película. A projeção dos resultados em 16mm permitirá aos formandos não só manipular a película em tempo real como manusear os projetores e reconhecer as suas potencialidades ópticas.


09.09 SEG

Workshop II: Construção de uma Câmera Digital Artesanal
Guilherme Maranhão
10h às 16h, Pavilhão Sul, FBAUP

Desmontando e recombinando sucatas de scanners de mesa é possível construir uma câmera digital. Como será que essa câmera funciona? Que tipos de imagens podemos registar com ela? Esta oficina consiste em libertar a câmara digital potencial dentro de um scanner e descobrir seu funcionamento e as coisas que ela pode fazer que diferem das outras câmaras já conhecidas.


10.09 TER

Workshop III: Tape Loop
Mariana Sardon
14h às 18h, Pavilhão Sul, FBAUP

A oficina oferece recursos à reciclagem de fitas de cassete de áudio com a construção de loops de sons pré́-existentes (samples) ou de sintetizadores gravados no momento com os gravadores disponíveis, explorando o seu potencial enquanto objeto sonoro para a composição de ritmos e ambientes cinemáticos que podem ser incorporados em trabalhos artísticos e investigativos.


11.09 QUA

Roundtable: Situação-Arquivo
Joana Lourencinho, Luís Pinto Nunes and Mariana Vitale
Susana Lourenço Marques (Moderation)
16h, Aula Magna, FBAUP

Com o intuito de debater a importância e os desafios das iniciativas de reflexão, organização e comunicação de arquivos da FBAUP, a mesa contempla a apresentação dos trabalhos “Exposições-Extra Escolares” (extraescolares.fba.up.pt) por Joana Lourencinho, “Vistas de Exposição” (vistasdeexposicao.fba.up.pt) por Luís Pinto Nunes e “Photo Archive FBAUP” (www.photoarchivefbaup.com) por Mariana Vitale, com moderação de Susana Lourenço Marques.


12.09 QUI

Keynote I: Algorithm, Image, Art
Rosemary Lee
16h, Aula Magna, FBAUP

Algorithms play an increasingly influential role in the production, circulation, and interpretation of images, a shift that has complex implications for art, the humanities, and visual culture. In this talk, Rosemary Lee will present her book Algorithm, Image, Art, which examines the history, processes, and ideas behind current visual culture. Machine learning algorithms now have a pervasive influence on the aesthetics and meaning of images. But while novel in some aspects, these recent developments are connected to much earlier, even analog, geometrical, optical, and procedural methods. This book looks at how the production of images in terms of algorithmic instructions has shaped images and art, as well as the values used to assess them. It draws connections between the algorithmic forms of visual media we are familiar with today and the precursors from which they evolved.


Keynote II: Thinkering with Old Media Technologies: Hands-on History as Experimental System of Historical Knowledge Production
Andreas Fickers (University of Luxembourg)
17h, Aula Magna, FBAUP

This lecture aims at reflecting on the heuristic potential of experimental media archaeology as a creative mode of historical knowledge production. Based on practical experiences in doing media archaeological experiments with a variety of past media technologies, the lecture offers both practical insights into the challenges of realizing hands-on historical research in different experimental settings and tries to address the methodological and epistemological issues at stake when trying to translate “tacit” or “embodied” knowledge into new forms and formats of historical thinking and storytelling. The experimental setting enables a de-auratization of historical objects as “authentic” and re-sensitize the historian/experimenter for the role of our senses and body in the historical understanding of the past. Trying to “grasp” the meaning of past media practices and usages through historical reenactments, by building replicas, or producing 3D models and digital simulations not only changes the historical imagination of the researcher but helps to study the social and cultural inscriptions into the materiality and design of past media technologies. In turning museum collections or media archives into laboratories for hands-on research, experimental media archeologists can enrich our classical repertoire of media historical research and enable more creative forms of transmedia storytelling in academic publishing.


Unfolding Technical Objects is an event resulting from the ongoing research project Media Filosóficos at the Institute for Research in Art, Design and Society (i2ADS) at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP). The project responds to the accumulation and dispersal of technical objects throughout technological transformations (especially post-digital) and policies in institutional spaces.