João Lima

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto

Limamil – JOÃO LIMA. The most memorable moment of his career was in his teens when he acquired his first camera, a Kodak 110, which cost him almost 3 weeks of allowance. Since then, the technological medium of photography has become the perfect tool for all the development of his artistic work, being even nowadays his favourite tool of investigation. His most recent plastic productions presented in the exposition entitled Transfotografia #01, are also produced from a strong inspiration in the technique, history, and concepts of the photographic medium. He is currently doing his Ph.D. in Universidade Vigo, polo Pontevedra, em Programa de Doutoramento en Creación e Investigación en arte contemporánea. He was a professor at ESAP, Porto Superior School of Art, in the superior course of Photography. Works at FBAUP, Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, as a senior photography technician. He was an assistant professor at ICP – in New York.


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