Experimental Type and Image Media Research Project

Seed project | i2ADS

Arts Education, Critique and Society
  • Referência
  • i2ADS-2022-XTIM
  • Período
  • 01.01.2022 — 12.31.2022

The XTIM aims to experiment with emergent tools and processes. Merging them with traditional or current design techniques to push design education from speculative design (Raby & Dune, 2016) into post-digital, creative and experimental solutions to challenge and improve the design, consumption, and sustainability of communication media artifacts. Being physical, digital, or both. (Drucker, 2009; Ludovico, 2012)

At its core resides the need and the will to explore the contribution that typographic and graphic design and its symbolic nature provides to the creative problem-solving process, to the final visual result, or even to develop and nurture a more inclusive participatory environment with all the stakeholders (1).


Palavras-chave: Post-Digital Design, Computational Design Thinking, Typeface Design, Editorial Media.

  • Principal Investigator
    Pedro Amado

  • Team
    António Modesto (ID+/FBAUP), Cristina Ferreira

    Ana Rita Mendes Antunes (MDGPE 2020/22), Beatriz Gomes (MDGPE 2020/22)