
xCoAx 2021 — 9th Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X

xCoAx is an international conference that explores the frontiers of digital art with a multidisciplinary investigation on aesthetics, computing, communication and the elusive X factor that connects them all.

After visiting Milan, Madrid, Lisbon, Bergamo, Glasgow, Porto and Cyberspace, in 2021 xCoAx goes hybrid in Graz, Austria under the auspices of IEM, the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, and online.

Program now online at
Keynote speakers: Yuk Hui and Špela Petrič


Opening event:
The opening of xCoAx 2021 will take place on Zoom on July 12th at 6PM CEST. The Organising Committee will be extremely happy to welcome you there to meet, greet, network, and exchange impressions and opinions. This will also be the moment when all content is made available online.

Papers have been organised as follows:
There are 6 different sessions, where papers with stimulating connections and overlaps were put together. The authors were invited to record a 15-minute presentation of their work. There will be Q&A panels with the audience at times and in Zoom sessions as indicated in the Program (available soon). You can access all the material: abstracts, papers in PDF format and video presentations by accessing xCoAx’s website at and clicking on “Paper Sessions” in the navigation menu (available July 12). You can join the discussion on Twitter by replying to the tweet at the end of each session page.

Artworks have been organised as follows:
The xCoAx 2021 website features a page for each artwork that was selected for the exhibition, where the artists present their work with visual documentation, an abstract, a prerecorded artist talk and other media assets. All of the artwork presentations will be streamed on YouTube, and there will be two roundtables in Zoom with the artists and audience. You can access each artwork’s page by accessing xCoAx’s website at and clicking on “Exhibition” in the navigation menu (available July 12). You can join the discussion on Twitter by replying to the tweet at the end of each artwork’s page.

Performances have been organised as follows:
The xCoAx 2021 website includes a page for each selected performance, where the performers illustrate their work with a video, an abstract, a prerecorded artist talk and other media assets. There will be roundtables in Zoom with performers and audience. You can access each work’s page by accessing xCoAx’s website at and clicking on “Performances” in the navigation menu (available July 12). You can join the discussion on Twitter by replying to the tweet at the end of each performance’s page.

The Doctoral Symposium has been organised as follows:
Doctoral students whose research proposals were accepted were invited to a discussion and feedback session with our chairs Angela Ferraiolo and Marko Ciciliani. The symposium has usually taken place in a more secluded part of xCoAx, and we kept with this tradition by not recording the online session to allow for a more relaxed environment where to exchange opinions and give advice. However, the xCoAx 2021 website features a page with all the research proposals discussed during the symposium, which you can access by going to xCoAx’s website at and clicking on “Doctoral Symposium” in the navigation menu (available July 12).

See you at


Instagram @xcoaxorg
Twitter @xcoaxorg
Hashtag #xcoax2021

For further information on the conference and press materials, please contact the xCoAx team at