Projeto de investigação | Erasmus+
Interculturalidade e SociedadeThe project was based on four key international trainings during which a hosting country presented and taught its innovative methodology. Each international training gathered 16 participants: 4 supervising trainers and 12 youth leaders – 4 people from each of the partnering country.
Youth leaders that have taken part, have used this week long training as an opportunity to narrow down values which they find to be most important in their life. They could then test these values „In Action” by planning and executing a project after returning to their country of origin.
In 2011 the employment rate of youth aged 15 to 24 years fell to 33.6%, the lowest level ever recorded in the history of the European Union. We firmly believe that there is a need to support youth in the choices they make at the beginning of their career path.
We should encourage values such as entrepreneurship, creative thinking and developing passion which can later become an important element of one’s career. In order to meet the demands of the dynamically changing labor market, educational programs should provide both key competences required for today’s job positions and shape long-lasting values such as self-steering, independence and high work ethic.
A reoccurring problem is the lack of innovative teaching methods that will effectively answer the needs of youth and help them develop competences in a long-term perspective. The goal of this project is to help youth master communication in both native and foreign language, encourage independent thinking and learning, improve social skills, create the environment for expanding personal initiative and social entrepreneurship and increase cultural awareness. In addition, we aim to strengthen social entrepreneurship among youth, by supporting them in conducting “values in action” projects, addressing a chosen social problem in their local communities, as a continuation of activities during the transnational meetings.
Instituições envolvidas
Fundacja Atalaya (Coord. Polónia)
Ljudska univerza Radovljica (Eslovenia)
Civil Centrum Közhasznú Alapítvány (Hungria)
University of Porto (i2ADS)
Coordenadora i2ADS
Gabriela Vaz Pinheiro