Teresa Almeida
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
investigadora colaboradora

Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
investigadora colaboradora
Teresa Almeida is an artist working mainly with glass living in Porto, Portugal. She got a PhD in Art Studies at the University of Aveiro untitled “o Vidro como material plástico: transparência, luz cor e expressão”. In 2003, she completed her Master in Glass at the University of Sunderland, England, and in 2001-2002 with a scholarship from Portugal she got two Post-graduation certificates on “Glass and Architecture” and in “Glass and Fine Art” at Central Saint Martin’s College, London, England. In 1996/2001 she completed her BA (HONS) on the Faculty of Fine Art, Oporto University in Fine Art Painting. She is a professor at Fine Art Faculty, Oporto University, since 2009, being the direction/ Responsible for junior university (universidade Júnior). Over the past few years, she has been working with luminescent glass (a colourless glass that changes colour, under ultraviolet light) and luminescent enamels, an innovative work, resulting from her doctoral research and which continued in her postdoctoral research, called: “Study and application of luminescent vitreous enamels in art: texture, plasticity and chromatism”, with a FCT scholarship, in the Research Unit VICARTE – Glass and Ceramics for Arts (FCT/UNL). Since 2006 is part of the research VICARTE, where she has been participating in several financed projects by FCT: “Artistic Glass in 2D and 3D Printing”, “Glass in Art: Light and Colour” and “Development of Luminescent Glasses for Art and Industry using Ultraviolet LED’s and Solar Energy Capture”, being the artistic coordinator of the research group “Contemporary creativity and materials” from 2014-2019, and since 2009 collaborates in the Master “Glass art and science”. In 2013 she is part of the i2ADS Research Institute in Art, Design and Society, Faculty of Fine Art, Oporto University. She has been participating in several international congresses, exhibiting regularly in Portugal and abroad, namely in: England –“Vetrospective”; Hong Kong – “Tangents and Dispersons”; Belgium – “Gassrout”; Luxembourg – “Glass Connections”, 2010; USA – Pratt Fine Art Gallery in Seattle, 2011; Netherlands GlashArt, Fort Vuren, 2009; Denmark – European Glass Context, 2008; Museum of Art, L’viv in Ukraine, 2007; Glass [art] Luminescence, São Paulo, Brazil, 2011 and “Brazilian Contemporary Glass” at the UFRJ National Museum in Rio de Janeiro, 2013; Projections, Australia, 2013; “Within light/inside glass”, Venice, Italy, 2015; “Dialogues with Light and colour” at the Museum of Glass of Sweden, 2016, and of Finland, 2017; “Éter”, traveling exhibition 2017-19 (Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Argentina) among others. Publishing in international journals, with curatorial works, namely: the internacional exhibition “O lado feminino do vidro” (glass seen through feminine eyes), Marinha Grande, Portugal, 2013/14; “Specularis-looking through”, Alberto Sampaio Museum 2018 and the exhibition “em vidro e sobre o vidro” (in glass and about glass), at Santiago palace, Guimarães, 2019. In 2013, she was a resident artist in Derix studios, Germany. Presently, she is editorial member of Éter journal and member of the International Committee of ICOM Glass. In her professional activities she interacted several collaborators in co-authoring scientific works, and supervises master, PhD and Post-doctoral research Teresa as several awards: 2013 Prémio Femina, (Por mérito nas Artes Plásticas e Visuais); in 2009: “Honourable Mention, Jutta Cuny Franz Memorial Award”, Museum Kunst Palast, Dusseldorf, Germany, in 2010 and 2008 an Honorable Mention at Artes Plásticas Biennial, Marinha Grande; and in 2001 several awards: “Arte Contemporânea Municipal de Vila Verde” Vila Verde Biennial, annual competition of draw in Chapin Azul, Porto and Aurélia de Sousa, Porto She also received scholarships for short courses abroad, particularly from the Pilchuck Glass School, USA (2008), The Corning Museum of Glass, USA 2006; Luso-Americana 2006 and Visiting Arts Grand UK 2004.
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