Jorge Marques
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
investigador colaborador

Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
investigador colaborador
Jorge Marques, Assistant Professor in the Drawing Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, where he teaches since 1998. Collaborating member of the Institute for Research in Art Design and Society — I2ADS. PhD in Art and Design – scientific area of Drawing – from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, with the research work – ” The process as a circumstance of drawing. Contributions to the study of experimental process models,” (2015). CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS As a professor and researcher in the Drawing department at Fbaup, he has been interested in the importance of Drawing processes and how they can become a viable means of thinking and Drawing conception. As an artist, he has been exploring the idea of limit in the expression and language of drawing and of processes conventionally associated with painting, drawing and photography. Curated jointly with Silvia Simões and Paulo Luis Almeida, from the exhibitions – Drawing on uncertainty. From the invisibility of the process to the visibility of the project in the visual arts,”(2018/20), Fbaup Museum, Porto Curated jointly with Silvia Simões and Paulo Luis Almeida, from the exhibitions – “Drawings of the Interior Body “(2016) and “The Transparent Body – Drawing at the Anatomical Museum. Sharing and pedagogical experiences,” (2017/18/19) – in a joint project FBAUP, ICBAS. Marques, Jorge; Almeida, Paulo L.; Simões, Sílvia (09-11-2020). “Towards an incomplete learning – Drawing and undoing” [Conference presentation; call submission]. Dialogues between Portugal and Brazil – 1st International Congress: The Artistic teaching we have and the one we want”. Round table #04. Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. Marques, J., Simões, S., Almeida, Paulo L., (2018) “Drawing on uncertainty. From the invisibility of the process to the visibility of the project in the visual arts”. in PSIAX – Studies and Reflections on Design and Image. Series 2, nº3. Porto: I2ADS, FBAUP, FAUP, LAB2PT-EAUM, issn: 1647-8045 Marques, J ,, Simões, S., Almeida, LP, (2016) “ Images of the inner body _ Drawing at the Anatomical Museum: Sharing and pedagogical experiences,” (tx) “ See by the means: the influence of instruments, supports and materials in the construction of sense,” pp.40 and 41; ed. Joint Design Department – FBAUP, ICBAS. Received 3 prize (s) and / or honors.
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