Inês Redondo
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
investigadora colaboradora

Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
investigadora colaboradora
Inês Redondo is designer at Areal Editores and Researcher at i2ADS (Fine Arts, Porto University). Her investigation is about editorial design and textbooks considering the use of new technologies in the different stages of textbook production: promoting and optimizing its development, and increasing the printing speed and mass production. With these new technologies, the production costs also decreased. The use of specific software, new electronic tools and avant-garde options enabled the designers to plan and produce textbooks in a faster and simplified manner. The flexibility that these tools created between the techniques and production processes allowed the designers to experiment a vast number of ideas for the construction of layout masters, which promoted a greater creative freedom. My researches always intend to be functional and at the service of society, has the goals of making known the changes that affected the production of teaching-learning supports and their social repercussions at this time in Portugal. Its necessary to demonstrate the technical and social impact of textbook production and how the migration of print-to-digital media layouts evolves. The progress of the virtual teaching, based on the areas of Editorial Design, Communication Design, Information and Technological Communication, Computer Science and the New Media, History, Social and Human Sciences, Sociology of Education, Didactics and Pedagogy.
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