Graça Magalhães
Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento Comunicação e Arte
investigadora colaboradora

Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento Comunicação e Arte
investigadora colaboradora
Artist and assistant professor of Drawing and Art Studies of the University of Aveiro (UA), currently is also vice director of the master course in Contemporary Art Creation. She is an integrated member of the Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (ID+), University of Aveiro, and a collaborative researcher of the Research Institute in Art, Design and Society (i2ADS), University of Oporto. She concluded the Ph.D. thesis in Drawing with the following title “A frágil totalidade. O significado do desenho no projeto de design. Poética e técnica: estudos de desenhos portugueses realizados a partir da 2ª metade do séc. XX”. She usually participates in international congresses and projects, in academic publications about drawing and image, in commissions and boards and also as curator of different academic exhibitions and artistic residencies as well as organizing workshops and seminars. As part of her academic background she got several scholarships: Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), 2009-2012; Portugal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MNE) and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to study history of art and conservation in Florence and Rome, 1987-1990 and also Monbusho (Ministry of Education), Japan, master in Drawing – printing techniques (lithography) from Tama Bijutsu Daigaku,Tokyo, She worked as artist in Portugal and other countries. She lives in Portugal since 1993.
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