Flávia Costa
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
investigadora colaboradora

Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
investigadora colaboradora
I was born in 1989 (Barcelos) and from an early age I favored drawing as an instrument of representation and experimentation. It is through the practice of drawing that I develop, as a doctoral student, the thesis project “WITHOUT SPACE: Disposable architecture in the city – A drawing based research”, motivated by the hypotheses of mediation between drawing and these structures (tents, barricades, fences) in construction of an intermittent visibility of the urban space. From the recognized space to the identification and experience of a new one, we propose a more complex study on the spatial experience between Barcelos, Porto, Helsinki (Finland) and Bilbao (Basque Country-Spain) to investigate the possibilities induced by what is potentially generated by momentary and disposable spaces in the city, assuming them as the main means of thought and design conception. This dialogue between drawing and urban space follows on from previous studies – “(Des) Drawing the place: Space, Movement and Drawing” – project developed in the Master of Drawing and Printmaking at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, where I also graduated in 2011 in Fine Arts – Painting. Since 2011 I regularly exhibit having participated in exhibitions (individual and collective), biennials and artistic exhibitions. Still in the artistic field, I collaborated in organizing exhibitions, seminars and workshops. I have also participated in conferences and published in magazines in the area
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