Constantin Sandu
Universidade do Porto
investigador integrado

Universidade do Porto
investigador integrado
Constantin Sandu. Doktor (PhD) in Music, National University of Music Bucharest 2006; Graduation in Instrumental Music – Piano, Ciprian Porumbescu Music Conservatory, Bucharest 1986; Bakkalaureus in Music – Piano, George Enescu Music College, Bucharest 1982. Adjunct Professor at Polytechnical Institute of Porto – Superior School of Music and Performing Arts; Researcher at Porto University – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society. PUBLICATIONS. Magazine articles: “Tempo-ul sonatelor pentru pian de Ludwig van Beethoven”, Studii de Muzicologie ISBN 978-606-547-455-0, 2020; “The Orchestral Character of Beethoven¿s Pianism”, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series VII, 2019,; “Relatia pian – orchestra in concertul pianistic romantic”, Studii de muzicologie, 2018; “Considerente despre pedala in muzica pentru pian a lui Beethoven”, 2017; “NOTES FOR A HISTORY OF PORTUGUESE MUSIC”, 2010. Book chapters: “Pedagogia muzicala portugheza – istorie si actualitate”. Roménia, 2015; “ASEMANARI CULTURALE ROMANO-LUSITANE”. Roménia, 2009. Books: MUZICA PORTUGHEZA PENTRU PIAN. Roménia. 2007. PRIZES: Recognition diploma – Twenty years of teching and dedication Polytechnical Institute of Porto, Portugal 2021; Excellency prize and medal “100 for the centenary” Romanian government 2018; 2nd Prize Epinal International Piano Competition, France 1985; 3rd Prize “Maria Canals” International Piano Competition, Barcelona Spain 1985; “Alberto Mozzatti” Special prize “Maria Canals” International Piano Competition, Barcelona Spain1985; Honorable Mention “Paloma O’Shea” International Piano Competition, Santander Spain 1984; 1st prize “Viotti-Valsesia” International Piano Competition , Italy 1981; 2nd Prize International Piano Competition of Senigallia, Italy 1980. CDs: Ludwig van Beethoven / 250 Anos, Poli_fonia 2020; ORQUESTRA RAÍZES IBÉRICAS, Numérica 1177 ¿ 2009; OBRAS-PRIMAS DA MÚSICA PORTUGUESA E ROMENA PARA PIANO (Portuguese and Romanian Master Pieces for Piano), Numérica 1136 ¿ 2005; ALBENIZ / GERSHWIN, Conservatório de Música Calouste Gulbenkian de Braga ¿ 2002; L. VAN BEETHOVEN, Fortes & Rangel, Memórias CDM 009 ¿ 2001; ANTÓNIO VICTORINO D¿ALMEIDA ¿ MÚSICA DE CÂMARA (Chamber Music), Numérica 1109 ¿ 2003; CLÁUDIO CARNEYRO, Numérica 1058 ¿ 1996; XIII FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA DA FIGUEIRA DA FOZ (13th Music Festival of Figueira da Foz), Numérica 20 ¿ 1995. Member of the jury at International Competitions: Epinal, France 2015, 2017 and 2019, Vianna da Motta ¿ Lisbon, Portugal 2001, Cidade do Porto ¿ Portugal 1996, 1998, 2003 and 2010, Viotti-Valsesia ¿ Italy 1995, Pinerollo-Cittá della cavalleria ¿ Italy 1994 and 1996, Ciudad de Toledo ¿ Spain 2007 and Propiano ¿ Bucharest, Romania 2008 – 2013 2015 2017 and 2019, Santa Cecilia – Porto, Portugal 2017. President of the jury of the 28th Epinal International Piano Competition in 2021. Master classes: Porto International Music Courses 1998, Celebrating the Great Pianists Festival in Aveiro 2001, International Music Courses Ciudad de Gandia 2003, National Music University of Bucharest 2005, 2013, International Music Forum of Torrelodones 2008, Encuentros Internacionales de Música – Alcobendas 2012, Hochschule f¿r Musik Trossingen 2012, Fórum Internacional de Música “Ciudad de Orihuela” 2013 – 2019, Steinway & Sons House – Xi’an 2019, National Music Conservatory of Lisbon 2008 and 2020. ERASMUS+ master classes: Conservatóire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris 2018, Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles 2016, Hogeschool Zuyd Maastricht 2013, Yasar University Izmir 2014. CONCERTS: more than 500 in Europe and Asia, solo with orchestra, recitals and chamber music.
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