
PCD’23 — Processing Community Day

O Processing Community Day (PCD) tem como objetivo promover a comunidade e estimular o interesse dos praticantes e interessados na criação visual através da programação (com Processing, P5.js, Arduino, ou outra).

The Processing Community Day 2023 (PCD23@Porto) is a free and open-participation event that aims to promote Creative Coding and Computational Thinking in the Arts and Design.

It will take place on Tuesday 14th of February 2023, and we welcome all local, national and international people interested in this topic to join us at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto.

Following the model from previous editions, this year’s program will feature a keynote conference, an online exhibition (resulting from the call for works), and a set of beginner and intermediate-level warm-up workshops, on different creative coding topics and technologies, and a round table about computation in education.

The PCD23 is a voluntary and open-to-participate organization of the Communication Design, Visual Arts and Drawing bachelor degrees designed for the entire creative community. Organized with the support of the Art, Design, and Society Research Institute (i2ADS) as part of the overall initiative of the Processing Foundation.



Important Dates

The PCD23@Porto is promoting and organizing a set of activities such as the call for works and a comprehensive set of open-to participation workshops that will lead to the main event day on Tuesday 14th of February of 2023.

Submission deadline (Call for works): Sunday, 15 January 2023

Acceptance notifications (Call for works): Friday, 20 January 2023

Main event (PCD23 Conference): Tuesday, 14 February 2023


Warm-up Workshops

The PCD23@Porto is promoting and organizing a set of open-to participation workshops that will lead to the main event day on Tuesday 14th of February of 2023. Most of them will be held in-person at FBAUP, but a select few will run online or in hybrid modes

Creative Coding Introduction with Processing (Open Class)
December 12, 2023, 14:00–17:00 GMT
Details & Registration

Information Vizualization with p5.js
January 2, 4 and 6, 2023, 17:00-19:30 GMT
Details & Registration

Introduction to TouchDesigner
January 10, 2023, 14:30–17:30 GMT
Details & Registration

Multi-resolution procedural tile patterns with Processing
January 17, 2023, 14:00–17:00 GMT
Details & Registration

Details about the additional workshops and registration T.B.A.
Introduction to Media Pipe, January 24, 2023
Introduction to AR with Adobe Aero, January 31, 2023
Generative design through image data manipulation (with Grasshopper), February 7, 2023